主要联系人: Patricia Giudici,注册会计师
1974年《bet9平台游戏》(ERISA)涵盖的大多数计划都需要对雇员福利计划进行审计。. With increased scrutiny on employee benefit plan audits, the 施耐德唐斯ERISA集团 有否拟备一份常见问题一览表,以协助各方更了解福利计划审核的规定及类型, 包括所需的文件, 在审计事务所寻找的特点, 以及审计准备方面的建议.
The Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, 或写, 保护员工的资产,以便他们在工作期间存入退休计划的资金在退休时可用.
ERISA是一项联邦法律,为私营企业的退休计划制定了一定的标准. 例如, ERISA specifies (1) minimum standards for employee eligibility, 投资和资助, (二)受托责任和受托标准, (3)报告和披露要求, (4)执行责任. 另外, ERISA的某些部分与《bet9游戏平台》中适用的与税收有关的规定相协调.
What types of benefit plans are subject to ERISA?
In general, ERISA applies to the following types of benefit plans:
- Pension plans sponsored by non-governmental organizations. Pension plans include both defined benefit and defined contribution plans. Examples of defined contributions plans include, 但不限于, 利润分享计划, 401 (k)计划, 员工持股计划(ESOPs), 403(b)计划安排.
- 福利计划(投保或其他), 提供健康保险, 团体人寿保险, 长期残疾收入, 遣散费, 假期的好处, 培训项目, 日托中心, 奖学金基金, 预付法律bet9平台游戏
- 医疗报销帐户(HRAs)
- 弹性开支帐户(FSAs)
What type of retirement plan should I provide to my employees?
组织提供的计划类型取决于许多因素, 包括组织的规模, the employer’s commitment to providing benefits, 组织的目标和目的, 维持计划的成本, 等.
有许多不同的联邦报告和雇员披露要求与维护受ERISA约束的福利计划相关. 虽然许多这些要求在所有类型的ERISA计划(表格5500报告)中是一致的, 例如), others depend upon a plan’s specific provisions and features.
协助计划发起人确定其报告和披露责任, 劳工部发布了《bet9平台游戏》, 哪一个可以在
How much can be contributed to a retirement plan?
根据《bet9游戏平台》,合格的计划供款受到各种限制. These limitations are updated annually by the IRS. 下表载列现行供款限额:
What are the current various IRS limitations on benefits and compensation?
国税局的限制 |
2021 |
2022 |
赔偿限额 |
$290,000 |
$305,000 |
401(k)延期限额 |
$19,500 |
$20,500 |
401(k)退休金限额 |
$6,500 |
$6,500 |
界定供款个人限额* |
$58,000 |
$61,000 |
个人退休帐户供款限额(49岁及以下) |
$6,000 |
$6,000 |
个人退休帐户供款限额(50岁或以上) |
$7,000 |
$7,000 |
Who is a fiduciary and what are the general responsibilities of a fiduciary?
受托人是对计划管理或资产拥有全权控制或权力的任何个人, 或负责计划管理或提供投资建议(或有权提供)以获得补偿. 受托人包括, 但不限于, 计划受托人, plan administrators and members of the plan’s investment committee.
受托人负有重要的责任,并受到行为标准的约束,因为他们代表退休计划的参与者及其受益人行事. These responsibilities include acting solely in the interest of plan participants and their beneficiaries and with the exclusive purpose of providing benefits to them; carrying out their duties prudently; following the plan documents (unless inconsistent with ERISA); diversifying plan investments; and paying only reasonable plan expenses.
审慎行事的义务是ERISA下受托人的核心责任之一,需要在各个领域的专业知识, 比如投资. 而许多受托人会聘请专业人士协助履行这些职责, 重要的是要注意,他/她将保留监督所选bet9平台游戏提供者的受托责任.
Form 5500 must be completed by the sponsor of any plan subject to ERISA.
表格5500(及随附的审计报告), (如有要求)应在计划年度的最后一天(日历年终计划为7月31日)后7个月到期。, and can be extended for an additional 2½ months, 到10月15日进行年终计划.
是的. 政府计划和教会计划不受ERISA第一章以及符合安全港规则的403(b)计划的约束. 如果您认为您的计划可以免除第一章的报告义务,您应该咨询ERISA顾问. 不遵守这些规定可能会导致对您的计划进行重大处罚.
When is an audit of an employee benefit plan required?
一般, employee benefit plans with 100 or more participants (includes eligible, 但不参与以及有账户余额的离职员工被认为是“大型”计划,需要每年进行一次审计. 少于100个参与者的计划(“小”计划)通常不需要执行审计.
Are there any exceptions to these general rules?
是的, an exception to these general rules does exist. 所谓的“80-120规则”可能允许参与者超过100人的计划被视为“小型”计划. In instances where a plan existed in the previous year, 作为当年的小计划,参与人数不超过120人(计划年度开始时), 它可能会继续作为一个小计划提交, 而且不需要审计. There is no limit to the number of years this rule may be applied. 这意味着一个计划可能有多达120个参与者多年,而没有审计要求.
然而, 如果一个新计划(以前没有提交5500表)有100名或更多的参与者(截至计划年度开始), 它必须作为一个“大”计划提交, 因此, 需要审计.
What are the audit requirements for a welfare benefit plan?
医疗, 牙科, 短期和长期残疾和其他类型的福利福利计划只需要审计,如果资助. 经常, 这些计划的福利由雇主/计划保荐人的一般资产支付, 或者通过保险而不是信托.
如果计划使用信托, 这将被视为一项基金计划, and an audit will be required if there are 100 or more participants.
What are the audit requirements for short plan years?
如果计划年度为7个月或更短, 短期计划年度的审计可以推迟到下一个计划年度. The plan audit for the short plan year still needs to be performed; however, the audit report is filed with the following year’s Form 5500. Filing of the short plan year’s Form 5500 is not deferred.
如果选择推迟审计,并且下一个计划年度的计划参与人数低于100人, 在接下来的一年里,该计划仍然必须满足大型计划的备案要求.
ERISA第103(a)(3)(C)条审计允许计划管理者选择在审计期间不测试投资信息(仅在计划层面). 为了允许有限范围的审计, 投资资料必须经受托人或托管人证明“完整和准确”.完整性或准确性的证明, 但不是两者都有, do not qualify f或写 Section 103(a)(3)(C) audit. 另外, the certification cannot be from a broker/dealer. The certification must be from a qualified institution. 根据劳工部(DOL)的规定,合格的机构是指受州或联邦机构(如银行)监管并接受定期检查的机构, 信托公司, or similar institution including an insurance company.
ERISA第103(a)(3)(C)条审计例外不适用于任何其他审计领域(i.e., participant data, contributions, distributions, 等.)只适用于投资.
Do all plans qualify to have a limited scope audit?
No. 11-k审计(对包含计划发起人股票的上市公司员工福利计划的审计), master trust arrangements with certification only at the master level, 教会和政府在信托之外持有的计划和资产不符合ERISA第103(a)(3)(C)条审计的资格. 另外, 资产非由合格机构持有的计划不符合ERISA第103(a)(3)(c)条审计的资格.
计划审计最关注的领域应该是与参与者相关的交易和活动. 这包括工资信息, 延迟百分比, 人口统计信息, 分布的文书工作, (健康)索赔 & welfare plans), and, most importantly, the plan document provisions. Without the plan document, an audit should not be started.
Just as important as participant data is the plan’s investments. 如上所述, 投资审计程序的水平在ERISA第103(a)(3)(C)条审计或全面审计中有所不同. 然而, 不管是什么范围, 计划的财务报表必须包含财务报告框架(公认会计原则)所要求的所有披露。.
- 做好准备并积极主动: 确保与审核组就审核时间达成一致,并确保审核组在实地工作之前提供了客户协助清单.
- 建议选择: 如果在完成审核请求时遇到困难,请与您的审核团队交谈. 审核员可以使用其他报告来完成所需的测试.
- 沟通: Request regular status meetings with your audit team to discuss open items, 测试异常, 和更多的.
- 设定现实的时间表: 时间表应事先由计划发起人和审核团队商定. If the plan is going through an audit for the first time, make sure to build additional time into the schedule.
- 提问: Audit teams welcome the opportunity to answer questions. The audit process should be an interactive process.
EBPAQC是执行ERISA员工福利计划审计的公司的自愿会员组织,成立的目的是提高员工福利计划审计的质量. The EBPAQC provides members with timely communication of regulatory updates, 最佳实践指南, 技术更新和会员之间的论坛讨论这些问题.
Membership requirements include designating an audit partner to have firm-wide responsibility for the quality of the firm’s ERISA employee benefit plan audit practice; establishing a program to ensure that all ERISA employee benefit audit plan audit engagement personnel possess current knowledge, appropriate for their level of involvement in the engagement; establishing annual internal inspection procedures that include a review of the firms ERISA employee benefit plan audit practice; establishing policies and procedures specific to the firm’s ERISA employee benefit plan audit practice to comply with the applicable professional standards and EBPAQC member requirements.
Why should I look for an audit firm that is a member of the EBPAQC?
DOL对员工福利计划审计的研究表明,属于EBPAQC的公司的缺乏率要比那些不属于EBPAQC的公司小得多. 考虑到计划发起人的信托责任,执行质量审计, this becomes a very significant factor to consider.
ERISA保真债券是一种必需的保险类型,它保护计划免受欺诈或不诚实造成的损失. 它不同于信托责任保险(信托责任保险不是必须的,但鼓励)。, 哪些保险可使受托人免受因违反受托责任而造成的损失.
审计及鉴证bet9平台游戏 for Employee Benefit Plans 资源
施耐德唐斯的ERISA审计实践包括一个bet9平台游戏模型,该模型不仅限于验证bet9平台游戏,还包括为客户提供支持和监督, 全年接触专家, 为客户举办的年度教育研讨会,内容包括监管和会计方面的最新情况, 和更多的. 欲了解更多信息,请访问我们专门的
审计及鉴证bet9平台游戏 for Employee Benefit Plans 致电或bet9平台游戏