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PRIMARY CONTACTS: James B. Yard CPA, CIA , Tony P. Ielase, CISA

在当今多变的商业环境中, risk landscapes are changing more rapidly and with a greater impact than ever before.

Effective 企业风险管理(ERM) is a critical enabler for strategy execution and an important competitive advantage for all organizations in the business landscape. It creates greater confidence in decision-making and achieving operational and strategic objectives while effectively enabling risks and opportunities to be actively managed.  The value is in the discipline surrounding key events to realize opportunities, 最小化中断, manage adverse events and limit financial ramifications.

更多信息请下载我们的 企业风险管理手册.


Our team of risk advisory professionals assist our clients in developing, optimizing and transforming their risk management processes.  Combining deep industry expertise with repositories of leading practice tools and accelerators, we act as a strategic advisor to implement changes to your ERM program to achieve value and minimize surprises. 我们的ERMbet9平台游戏包括:

ERM项目评估 – Review current ERM framework and program against leading practices to identify tangible actions to enhance ERM activities, improve program acceptance and integrate ERM management with underlying business processes.

ERM项目开发 -就适当的治理提供指导, processes and infrastructure to support the target risk management culture and objectives.

企业风险评估 – Execute activities to identify, analyze, prioritize, manage, monitor and report top risks. Download our Key Questions to Consider When Conducting an 企业风险评估 to get started.

风险行动计划、监控和报告 -开发和实施工具, templates and content to monitor and report risks and risk measures, 风险管理策略和计划, 以及风险管理项目活动.

Risk Analytics – Develop and implement Key Risk Indicators (KRI’s) to better understand individual risks, 风险的相互关系, aggregate risk exposure and risk appetite and tolerance.

风险管理 – Outsource or co-sourced risk management program activities, 包括风险评估, 监察及报告, and analytics.

Benefits of ERM

  • 更有效的战略和业务规划
  • Planned risk-taking and the proactive management of risks
  • Greater confidence in decision making and achieving operational and strategic objectives
  •  增强利益相关者的信心
  • 增强组织弹性
  • Dealing effectively with disruptions and losses, minimizing financial impact
  • 通过提前计划来避免意外
  • 法规遵从和董事保护
  • 识别和管理整个实体的风险
  • Increasing positive outcomes and advantage while reducing negative surprises
  • 降低性能可变性
  • 改进资源部署

ERM Key Questions When Conducting an 企业风险评估


  • How are the risks we take related to our strategic objectives?
  • 我们知道我们正在承担的重大风险吗?
  • Do the risks we take give us a competitive advantage?
  • How are the risks we take related to activities that create value?


  • Are we getting an adequate return that is consistent with our overall level of risk?
  • Does our organizational culture promote or discourage risk-taking?
  • Have we defined our risk appetite and aligned with the Board?
  • Is our actual risk-taking consistent with our risk appetite?


  • Is our risk management process aligned with our strategic decision-making process and existing performance measures?
  • Is our risk management process coordinated and consistent across the entire enterprise?
  • 每个人对风险的定义都是一样的吗?
  • 我们的风险覆盖范围是否存在空白和/或重叠?


Contact us to learn more about Schneider Downs 企业风险管理 services.


Our team of experienced risk advisory professionals focus on collaborating with your organization to identify and effectively mitigate risks. Our goal is to understand not only the risks related to potential loss to the organization, but to drive solutions that add value to your organization and advise on opportunities to ensure minimal disruption to your business.

Explore our full 风险咨询bet9平台游戏产品 或bet9平台游戏的团队


Big Problem: 受勒索软件影响的公司.

Big Thinking: 现场恢复系统,避免六位数的赎金.

Read Case Study

Big Problem: 低效的税收抵免实现.

Big Thinking: Identified A $900,000 Tax Credit, Nearly Twice As Much As Prior Years.

Read Case Study

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